Wednesday, February 22, 2006


If you remember movie - 'A beautiful Mind' then you can remember that in
this movie the subject - John Nash has got some mental illness
Schizophrenia is the name of that mental disorder.
I got some details on this from
For more detailed description kindly visit the site itself :

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by persistent defects in
the perception or the expression of reality. A person experiencing
untreated schizophrenia typically demonstrates disorganized thinking, and
may also experience delusions or auditory hallucinations. Although the
disorder primarily affects cognition, it can also contribute to chronic
problems with behavior or emotions. Due to the many possible combinations
of symptoms, it is difficult to say whether it is in fact a single
psychiatric disorder; and Eugen Bleuler deliberately called the disease
"the schizophrenias" (plural) when he coined the present name.

Diagnosis is based on the self-reported experiences of the patient, in
combination with secondary signs observed by a psychiatrist or other
competent clinician such as a doctor of psychology. There is no objective
biological test for schizophrenia, though studies suggest that genetics and
biochemistry are important contributing factors. Current research into the
development of the disorder often focuses on the role of neurobiology,
although a reliable and identifiable organic cause has not been found. In
the absence of objective laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis, some
question the legitimacy of schizophrenia's status as a disease.

The term "schizophrenia" translates roughly as "shattered mind," and comes
from the Greek σχίζω (schizo, "to split" or "to divide") and φρήν (phrēn, "
mind"). Despite its etymology, schizophrenia is not synonymous with
dissociative identity disorder, also known as multiple personality disorder
or "split personality"; in popular culture the two are often confused.
Although schizophrenia often leads to social or occupational dysfunction,
there is little association of the illness with a predisposition toward
aggressive behavior.

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